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The 28 Day Sculpting Challenge Course focuses on the scientifically proven fact that like energy attracts like energy. In this course, we concentrate on what kind of energy you are attracting via your words, thoughts, and actions, as well as what kind of energy you are living in both at work and at home. Your daily assignments are designed to shed light on patterns, habits, and actions that, though a part of your daily routine, have been performed almost robotically creating adverse conditions in your forward progression. Once realized, new habits are created to offset the old. All geared to living your desired life. You are also introduced to practices that encourage your intuitive abilities, which enables you to utilize all of your capabilities to achieve success. Enjoy daily email support, four teleconference calls with Marilyn and Dale, and workbook activities.




In 28 days, you will:


• Gain knowledge of how the energy vibrations you send out via words, thoughts, and actions; most of the time without cognizant involvement are attracting to you the life you are living…both the good experiences, and the not so good experiences.

• Learn how to channel, control, and be consciously aware so that you can sculpt the life you want to live, by utilizing the simple Magnetic Formula of the Law of Energy Attraction.

• Create a vision of the life you want to live. Take proven steps to get there


Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

Challenge is not a diet. It IS a feast for your beliefs, your heart and your life…It is a devotion to re-discovering your own energy...reinforcing your own beliefs and choosing your own way of being. It is knowing and then living your life on your terms.


The program focuses on helping you understand and believe you CAN take control of your life… your way of being and that you can create a more positive life. “Change your messages and you alter your Life”!


Because you have experienced several years of outside influences to create your current “way of being” or habit of life, you will need tools, inspired teaching and learning-based in real belief, real science, and the real success of life many, many others who have implemented the 28 Day Sculpting Challenge in their desire for personal growth.


But first, The Real Science and Thinking Behind the 28 Day Sculpting Challenge.

Most, if not all, of your habits and human beliefs were created by continuous and repeated absorption of outside influences and behaviors. Often creating a “program” that responds virtually automatically in the brain.


Therefore, it is logical to agree that negative beliefs, doubt, and self-sabotage are created by hearing, repeating, and acting on negative stimuli. For example; “you can’t do that” turns into “I can’t do that.” “You just aren’t as smart as them” turns into “I am not smart enough” … “Don’t put your hopes too high” turns into “I can’t have that” and, etcetera.


As the statement or action is repeated over and over we begin to take ownership of it via the neurons in the “prefrontal striatal mid-brain” circuit firing together over and over. Each time the belief or action is re-lived or re-stated it strengthens the neurons and eventually, they are stored as an unconscious thought, habit, and a way of reacting or acting in the world you live in.

The question then becomes; Can I (you) alter these beliefs and habits, and if so, HOW?


This science tells us that it takes around 20 to 30 days of repeated actions (reinforcement) to create a “habit” or neuro path. The longer or more frequently it is repeated, the harder it is to alter in most cases.


But, one thing is assured, if it takes 20 to 30 days to create, it will probably take the same to begin to alter. So it is reasonable to agree that if you spend 28 days realigning and re-creating your beliefs, you also are altering your way of being.


It usually is not “easy” and without help and guidance as well as a structured and sequential method for alteration, failure, and reversion to our old normal (way of being) is often the by-product. The problem for most is a lack of consistent access to positive reinforcement, tools for change combined with a stress-free method of putting a new way of thinking into practice.


Hence, the 28 Day Sculpting Challenge



28 Day Sculpting Challenge

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